Rain & FriendS.

It takes a village.

aware parenting

Marion Rose PhD has a wealth of and resources and courses for you to access on your journey of parenting and reparenting. Chances are if you are an existing client, Rain has made you listen to the podcasts as homework! This work is invaluable for all things babies, big feelings and sleep.


Dr. Leon Koomen, owner of Osteopathic Sense, basically keeps Rain’s head from falling off so she can function like a real human-being. He will be happy to explain the proper medical terminology for this and will throw in a few dad-jokes for good measure.
He specialises in treating pregnant women, infants and children and is often referred to for nervous system and pain management support.

PANs/pandas clinic

The ReMed PANS & PANDAS clinical team only provides treatment options that are safe, effective and evidence-informed treatment strategies for children presenting with acute onset neuropsychiatric disorders, PANS and PANDAS.

play & family therapy

Ashley is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker who has been working with children, adolescents and families for over a decade in mental health, case management and leadership roles. Ashley is experienced in working with children and young people who have additional needs, and is a neuro-affirming practitioner. Ashley will be working out of the Rain & Me. Clinic in Yarraville.


If you haven’t heard Rain bang-on about Carolyn and ‘the machine’ (Asyra Biofeedback Machine) have you met? Often as a first point of call, it may suggested you see a GP and Naturopath to rule out any dietary or mineral deficiencies that may be contributing to mood, sleep issues and behavioural concerns.


Dr Ava Roubin is an exceptional practitioner who I go to when I need to call in the ‘big guns’, which is a terrible analogy because she is so gentle in her approach. She navigates what is going on for you at multiple levels with precision and skill. There are no words that really do Ava’s practise justice. You just have to experience it!